Data Warehouses integrate data from multiple heterogeneous information sources and transform them into a multidimensional representation for decision support applications. Data warehousing has emerged as one of the most powerful tools in delivering information to users. Most previous researches have focused on marketing, customer service, financing, and insurance industry. Further, relatively less research has been done on data warehouse systems in the complex manufacturing industry such as ship production, which is characterized complex product structures and production processes. In the ship production, data warehouse systems is a requisite for effective cost analysis because collecting and analysis of diverse and large of cost-related(material/production cost, productivity) data in its operational systems, was becoming increasingly cumbersome and time consuming. This paper proposes architecture of the data warehouse systems to support cost analysis in the ship production. Also, in order to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed architecture, the prototype system is designed and implemented with the object of the enterprise of producing a large-scale ship.