Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration (간호행정학회지)
- Volume 8 Issue 3
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- Pages.431-439
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- 2002
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- 1225-9330(pISSN)
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- 2288-4955(eISSN)
Concept Analysis of the Role in Nursing Profession
간호전문직에서의 역할의 개념분석
- Kang, Sung-Rye (College of Nursing, Seoul National University) ;
Park, Jung-Ho
(College of Nursing, Seoul National University)
- Published : 2002.09.30
Purpose : Nursing profession has been rapidly changed due to the development of bioscience and the change of medical service environment. Nursing profession that has been focused on only care giver's role like mother's in tradition, is required careful reflection new nursing role to cope properly to the change of medical service environment. In nursing profession, the concept of the role was used without an accurate definition, as a results, the concept of the role was mixed with the concept of the "activity", "job" and "function". Therefore, concept analysis of the role in nursing profession is needed to remove conceptual ambiguous and make confirm the true meaning of the role. Concept analysis is a strategy that examine the characteristics of a concept. It is a formal linguistic exercise to determine those defining attributes. The basic purpose of concept analysis is to clarify ambiguous concept in theory, and propose operational definition which reflects the theoretical base of the concept. Method : In this study, the concept of the role in nursing profession which was analyzed based on the steps of concept analysis by Walker & Avant(1988). Results : The attributes of the concept of the role in nursing profession are : 1. Basic factors to construct social structure. 2. Expected attitudes, values, behavior patterns according to the social status and position in social structure. 3. Perceptive attitudes, values, behavior patterns in order to social interaction. 4. Acquiring through continuous communication and learning. 5. Not fixative but changeable. The antecedents of the role in nursing profession are : 1. The social status and position which is possessed by a person. 2. Expected attitudes, values, behavior patterns according to the social status and position in social structure. 3. Acquiring through continuous interaction, communication, and learning process. And the consequences of the role in nursing profession are : 1. The role maintenance and the role expansion as a positive consequences. 2. The role conflict and the role loss as a negative consequences. Conclusion : Through this concept analysis, the concept of the role in nursing profession is defined as As basic factors to construct social structure, person's attitudes, values, behavior patterns which are expected from other social members according to person's social status and position, and perceived and acquired through continuous interaction, communication, and leaning process.