완효성 비료 분시방법에 따른 첫물차의 수량 및 품질

Yield and Quality of the First Harvested Tea Leaves as affected by Split-Application of Slow-Release Fertilizer

  • 박장현 (전남농업기술원 차시험장) ;
  • 임근철 (전남농업기술원 차시험장)
  • Park, Jang-Hyun (Tea Expeniment Station, Chonnam Provincial Agriculture Research and Extention Service) ;
  • Lim, Keun-Cheol (Tea Expeniment Station, Chonnam Provincial Agriculture Research and Extention Service)
  • Received : 2002.10.07
  • Accepted : 2002.12.05
  • Published : 2002.12.30


관행시비 (4회 분시)에 비해 완효성 비료 2회 분시가 수량이 12.5% 증수하였으나, 1회 분시는 $6{\pm}3%$ 감소하였다. 관행시비에 비해 완효성 비료 2회 분시가 총질소, 총 아미노산, 엽록소, 비타민 C 함량과 감칠맛 주성분인 theanine, glutamic acid, arginine 함량이 많았고, tannin 함량은 적은 편이였으나, 완효성 비료 1회 분시는 2회분시와는 반대의 경향을 나타냈다. 형상, 향, 맛 등 제다품질은 완효성 비료 2회분시가 1회분시나 관행 시비 4회 분시에 비해 우수하였다. 결론적으로 완효성 비료의 분시효과가 우수한 이유는 비료성분이 서서히 용출되어 나와 효과적으로 작물에 공급되는 한편 비료성분의 손실을 줄일수 있었기 때문으로 판단된다.

A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of split-application of slow-release fertilizer on the tea plant. The yield of the 1st harvested tea leaves had increased 12% in the slow-release fertilizer(two time split manuring) compared with the traditional manuring(four time split manuring), but that of the slow-release fertilizer to one time split manuring had decreased $6{\pm}3%$. In case of the 1st harvested leave, the contents of chemical components related to quality such as total nitrogen, total amino acid, chlorophyll, vitamin C and theanine were somewhat higher in the leaves of slow-release fertilizer(two time split manuring) treatment than in the traditional manuring, but that of tannin was low. The one time split manuring of slow-release fertilizer had a contrary tendency with two time split manuring treatment. In scoring test, appearance and quality of green tea were more excellent in the two time split manuring compared with one time split manuring of slow-release fertilizer and with the traditional manuring (four time split manuring). Therefore, use of slow-release fertilizer increased yield and quality of tea leaves, and decreased loss of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium.



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