J-T에 의한 3차원 반타원 계면균열선단 응력장의 기술

J-T Characterization of Stress Fields Along 3D Semi-Elliptical Interfacial Crack Front

  • 최호승 (서강대학교 기계공학과 대학원) ;
  • 이형일 (서강대학교 기계공학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.07.01


Many research works have validated the J-T approach to elastic-plastic crack-tip stress fields in a variety of plane strain specimens. To generalize the validity of J-T method, further investigations are however needed for more practical 3D structures than the idealized plane strain specimens. In this work, we perform 3D finite element (FE) modeling of welded plate and straight pipe, and accompanying elastic, elastic-plastic FE analyses. Manual 3D modeling is almost prohibitive, since the models contain semi-elliptical interfacial cracks which require singular elements. To overcome this kind of barrier, we develop a program generating the meshes for semi-elliptical interfacial cracks. We then compare the detailed 3D FE stress fields to those predicted with J-T two parameters. Thereby we extend the validity of J-T application to 3D structures and infer some useful informations for the design or assessment of pipe welds.



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