항경련제 투여를 받는 가임기 간질 여성의 난소의 형태 및 월경주기에 관한 연구

Ovarian Morphology and Menstrual Cycle of Reproductive Age Women Receiving Anti-Epilepsy Medication

  • 박성호 (서울대학교 의과대학, 보라매병원 신경과) ;
  • 구승엽 (서울대학교 의과대학, 보라매병원 산부인과)
  • Park, Seong-Ho (Department of Neurology, Seoul Municipal Boramae Hospital, College of Medicine, Seoul National University) ;
  • Ku, Seung Yup (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Seoul Municipal Boramae Hospital, College of Medicine, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2002.05.01


Background : An increased frequency of reproductive endocrine disorders and polycystic ovary(PCO) has been reported in women with epilepsy. A possible role of the seizure disorder or, of the use of antiepileptic drugs(AEDs) has been suggested as the pathogenic mechanism. The objective of the present study was to assess the prevalence of reproductive endocrine disorders, such as PCO or menstrual abnormalities, in a series of women with epilepsy, examining the possible relationships of these disturbances with different epilepsy syndromes and AED treatment. Methods : Thirty epileptic women, all of reproductive age and none pubertal, pregnant, or lactating, were evaluated by clinical endocrinological assessment, and pelvic ultrasonography. Seven patients were on valproic acid(VPA), nineteen on carbamazepine(CBZ), and four on diphenylhydantoin(DPH) treatment, respectively. Results : Menstrual irregularity was observed in 8 women(26.7%), dysmenorrhea in 7(23.3%), and premenstrual syndrome in 1(3.3%). Ultrasonographic examination revealed that one women(3.3%) showed polycystic ovary, 4(13.3%) had ovarian cyst(s), and 2(6.7%) had uterine myoma, respectively. There was no difference in the prevalence of menstrual abnormalities or polycystic ovary according to the different preparations of AEDs. Conclusions : Data from this investigation suggest that, in Korean reproductive age women, the treatment of AEDs and the kind of medication may not have a significant effect on the prevalence of menstrual abnormalities or ultrasonographic polycystic ovary.
