
Animals Physical Therapy

  • Kim, Jin-Ung (College of Veterinary Medicine, Kon Kuk University) ;
  • Bae, Soo-Chan (Department of Physical Therapy, Saint Francisco General Hospital)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.30


This article review the animals physical therapy. It is so called veterinary physical therapy. The animals physical therapist is working to physical therapy for animals in veterinary clinical field. The veterinary medicine has not veterinary rehabilitation medicine or physical therapy for animals, also physical therapy field in Korea. So, This research will explain about animals physical therapy of Korea and other countries' by journals and internet information and suggest the future of the animals physical therapist. Finally, The veterinary physical therapy is not used to veterinary clinical field in now. But, The veterinary physical therapy will desire to the view of medical serve and economy by the host of animals and clinical veterinarian the future. Animal physical therapy is a new and rapidly developing field of health care for animals. The benefits of physical therapy have long been recognized in humans. More recently, work in the veterinary field has shown the same benefits of physical therapy to be true for animal patients. Performing orthopaedic or neurological surgery, or fitting a human patient with a cast or splint, and then discharging the patient is an outdated approach. In such cases, physical therapy is clearly warranted. Similarly, recent research has shown that post-surgical rehabilitation and therapy after injuries significantly improves the functional outcomes for animals. Physical Therapy is a healthcare profession directed at evaluating, restoring and maintaining physical function and movement. Working with the owner, veterinarian and often other healthcare professionals, a physiotherapist helps your animal to achieve and maintain optimal health and well-being. Equipped with a specialized university Bacheloriate education and intensively educated in Anatomy, Physiology, Biomechanics, Histology, Neurology, and Pathology, PT's are able to assess, diagnose and treat movement and function. Physical Therapy, Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation are recognized sciences applied to both humans and animals. The goals of physiotherapy are to relieve pain, restore range of motion/movement, improve function, prevent injuries and expand the physical potential of the patient. Once in the field, physical therapists actively continue their education to keep up to date on the latest treatments and technologies. Via continuing education courses, physiotherapists can learn how to apply their unique and specialized knowledge to other animal species.
