금강 하구 연안역의 해황과 관련한 영양염 전선

Nutrient Front Relating to the Hydrography in the Outflow Region of the Keum River

  • Choi Yong Kyu (Kunsna Lab, West Sea Fisheries Research Institute, NFRDI) ;
  • Yang Won Seok (Kunsna Lab, West Sea Fisheries Research Institute, NFRDI) ;
  • Jeong Ju Young (Department of Oceanography, Kunsan National University)
  • 발행 : 2002.05.01


Using results obtained from field surveys in the outflow region of the Keum River in winter (February 22), spring (May 9), summer (July 31) and autumn (October 17) in 2000, it was described the nutrient front relating to the hydrography. It showed that the horizontal gradients was sharp in the distributions not only in salinity but also in nutrients in the region of the mouth of estuary far away about 20 km from the dyke of the Keum River during the year. The two layer structure was a ubiquitous feature in the inner estuarine side of the region showing the maximum horizontal gradients in salinity and nutrients. Although the absolute values in salinity and nutrient concentrations were distinguished by season, the nutrient front seperates the saltier and nutrients poor water in the open sea from the brackish and nutrients rich water of the plume. These results suggest that the nutrient front coincides with the esturine front in the region of freshwater influence (ROFI) of the Keum River.



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