DNA Heteropolymorphism of Chum Salmon Detected by Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis and Real Time PCR

Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis와 real time PCR 방법을 이용한 연어 유전자들의 DNA 이형 다양성 검색

  • Ham Seung Hub (Department of Marine Bioscience and Technology, College of Life Science) ;
  • Lee Suk Keun (Department of Oral Pathology, College of Dentistry, Kangnung National University) ;
  • Han Hyon Sob (West Sea Fisheries Research Institute, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute) ;
  • Jin Deuk Hee (Department of Marine Bioscience and Technology, College of Life Science)
  • 함승협 (강릉대학교 해양생명공학부) ;
  • 이석근 (강릉대학교 치의학과) ;
  • 한현섭 (국립수산진흥원 서해수산연구소) ;
  • 진덕희 (강릉대학교 해양생명공학부)
  • Published : 2002.09.01


In order to detect the DNA heteropolymorphism of chum salmon, selected essential genes were examined in different regional chum salmons, i.e., Korean, Japanese and American by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and real time PCR methods. From the promoter regions and introns of growth hormone, mtDNA NDI region, D-loop region, IGF-I, histone H3 and MCH2 several representative primer pairs were obtained and employed for the DGGE with the PCR products from the genomic DNAs of the different regional chum salmons. mtDNA NDI, D-loop region and IGE-I genes showed marked heteropolymorphism between Korean and American chum salmons. Intron C of growth hormone also showed a heteropolymorphism between Korean and Japanese chum salmons. Whereas heteropolnnorphism of histone liH and MCH2 genes was detected among in Korean, Japanese and Asnerican chum salmons in the examined region. The real time PCR disclosed the characteristic incremental production of target DNAs dependent on the heteropolymorphic conditions of genomic DNAa of chum salmons, thus the different regional chum salmons could be grouped by the variable incremental curies. Although the DGGE and real time PCR did not produce the identical results in this study, we suggest that the DGGE and real time PCR could be used for the primary screening of the DNA heteropolymorphism of different animal genome.

한국, 미국, 일본지역에 서식하는 연어에서 추출한 genomic DNA를 이용하여 연어의 mtDNA NDI 영역, D-loop 영역, growth hormone, IGF-I, MCH2, histone H3의 염기서열을 분석하여, 최적의 primer를 제작하여 PCR을 실시한 결과, mtDNA NDI 영역은 Ks12, Ks24, As11, As14, Js13, Js15에서 증폭된 DNA를 확인하였으며, D-loop 영역, growth hormone, IGF-I, histone H3, MCH2에서는 모든 시료에서 증폭된 DNA를 확인하였다. DGGE 분석의 결과, mtDNA NDI 영역 (AF133701, 449-880), D-loop 영역 (AF125518, 11-514)과 growth hormone (AFO05927, 181-530)에서는 이형다양성을 확인하였으며, IGF-I (AF063216, 962-1461)과 MCH2 (M27281, 70-593)는 모두 이형다양성이 나타났으나, histone H3 (AF017147, 7-487)는 모두 이형다양성이 관찰되지 않았다. 그리고 real time PCR 관찰 결과는 DGGE의 결과와 유사한 점을 찾을 수 없었지만, real time PCR도 각각의 유전자에 따라 서로 다른 DNA 생성 패턴을 보여 DNA 변이를 쉽게 구별하는데 보조적인 도움이 되었다.



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