Distribution of Trace Metals in Sediments of Mokpo Coastal Area after a Strong Rainfall

  • Kim Do Hee (Department of Ocean System Engineering, Mokpo Maritime University) ;
  • Sin Yong Sik (Department of Ocean System Engineering, Mokpo Maritime University)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


The characteristics of trace metals were investigated in the sediments of the Mokpo coastal area, southwestern coast of Korea. Surface sediments were collected in September 3, 2002 after a strong rain event. The sampling sites were categorized into the inner and outer harbour based on salinity distribution and difference of trace metal concentration was evidence between these two zones. The enrichment factor (E' F) of Zn and Cr were high at the mouth of Mokpo Harbour and $E \cdot F$ of Cu was high at the east-south of Dali Island. One hundred percent of Mn and Pb samples and $40\%$ of Zn samples had E' F higher than 1 suggesting that they are accumulated in the entire outer of Mokpo Harbour. Trace metals appeared to be accumulated in the inner harbour by input of sediments in the discharged freshwater from Young-San River during strong rainfall whereas they were influenced by natural sedimentation and human activities in part.



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피인용 문헌

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