Simulation Study of an e-Beam Addressed Liquid Crystal Display for Projection

  • Zhou, Fushan (Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent State University) ;
  • Yang, Deng-Ke (Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent State University) ;
  • Molitor, R.J. (Chromalux, Inc.)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.21


We have carried out a simulation study on an e-beam addressed liquid crystal projection display in which the liquid crystal is switched by the electric field of the charge, produced by an electron beam, on the surface of the display. We calculated the electric field produced by the surface charge, the liquid crystal director configuration and the profile of the transmitted light. We studied the factors affecting the resolution of the display and the effect of pretilt angle on the performance of the display. The e-beam addressed liquid crystal projection display potentially has the advantages of high resolution and high brightness.



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