Variations of the Heavy Metal Contents in Human Hairs According to Permanent Wave Manipulation

퍼머넌트 웨이브 시술에 따른 모발의 중금속 함량의 변화

  • Jung, Yeon (Dept. of Beauty & Aesthetician, Gyeongdo Provincial College)
  • 정연 (경도대학 피부미용과)
  • Received : 2002.05.12
  • Published : 2002.06.30


This research is compared and analyzed variations of the heavy metal contents in human hairs according to treating permanent wave manipulation before and after and permanent wave agents. This is the survey of women's hairs in 19 years old. On the basis of this we would like to analyze a extend of exposing of heavy metal scientifically. Also, we would to show a basic data for the permitted limits of heavy metal to keep the healthy hair The conclusion is as follows.; Mean contents of heavy metal in hairs is 2.11 ppm (Pb), 0.25 ppm (Cd), 2.62 ppm (Ni), 256 ppm (Zn), 8.45 ppm (Cu). In reducing agents (processing lotions) of perm, 1.50 ppm (Pb), 0.03 ppm (Cd), 0.05 ppm (Ni), 15.45 ppm (Zn), 0.86 ppm (Cu) in a perm (S), 2.30 ppm (Pb), 0.05 ppm (Cd), 0.05 ppm (Ni), 13.05 ppm (Zn), 0.65 ppm (Cu) in a perm (T). In oxidizing agents (neutralizer) of perm, 1.40 ppm (Pb), 0.03 ppm (Cd), 0.09 ppm (Ni), 9.05 ppm (Zn), 0.65 ppm (Cu) in a perm (S), 1.50 ppm (Pb), 0.02 ppm (Cd), 0.16 ppm (Ni), 8.00 ppm (Zn), 0.85 ppm (Cu) in a perm (T). Mean contents of lead(Pb) didn't show significant differences according to treating cysteine perm agents, showed it according to 3 treating thioglycolic acid perm agents (p<0.05). Mean contents of cadmium(Cd) showed significant differences (p<0.001) according to 2 treating both perm agents. Mean contents of nickel (Ni) showed neither. Mean contents of zinc (Zn) showed significant differences according to 2 treating cysteine perm agents (p<0.001) and 1 treating thioglycolic acid perm agents (p<0.01). Mean contents of copper (Cu) didn't show significant differences according to treating cysteine perm agents, showed it according to 1 treating thioglycolic acid perm agents (p<0.001).



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