- 정보처리 v.7 no.4 컴포넌트 활성화 방안 김명준;김채규;양영종
- 정보처리 v.7 no.4 컴포넌트 소프트웨어 산업 동향 윤태권;정한일
- Proceedings of the Autumn Conference Window용 통계패키지 정보통계 개발연구 이정진;강근석
- 한국통계학회 논문집 v.6 no.2 On the Development of Statistical Software using Microsoft COM Technology on the Internet Environment 한경수;김석기;최숙희
- Handbook of Simulation Banks, J.
- Continuous Univariate Distributions (Second Ed.) v.1 Johnson, N. L.;Cotz, S.;Balakrishnan, N.
- The Com Object Model Specification Microsoft Corporation
- Understanding & Programming COM+ Oberg, R. J.
- Stochastic Simulation Ripley, B. D.
- Simulation Ross, S. M.
- Simulation and the Monte Carlo method Rubinstein, R. Y.
- Component Software-Beyond Object-Oriented Programming Szyperski, C.
- IMSL, C/Stat/Library, C functions for statistical analysis Visual Numerics, Inc.