초음파진동 조사장 내에서 Al-Pb계 합금의 제조 및 조직

Fabrication and Microstructures of Al-Pb Alloy in the Ultrasonic Vibration

  • 박헌범 (위스콘신대학교 복합재료연구소)
  • Park, Hun-Berm (Center for Composites, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee/CEAS)
  • 발행 : 2002.10.20


Water and oil were completely synthesised with ultrasonic vibration energy irradiation. Pure Pb were added into Al melt during irradiated the ultrasonic vibration energy in 750. And the ultrasonic vibration energy was applied to Al-Pb melt to enhance the miscibility. Microstructural analysis, thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction analysis were carried out to evaluate the effect of the ultrasonic vibration energy on the castability and microstructural reliability. (1) Using the ultrasonic vibration energy irradiation, the complete mixing of water and oil was obtained. (2) The microstructure was refined by the application of ultrasonic vibration energy in Al-Pb alloys. (3) Relatively large Pb particles, $5{\mu}m$ were most distributed alone the grain boundaries with fine Pb particles evenly distributed in the matrix. (4) The solubility of Ph in Al-Pb alloys was increases up to 5% with the application of ultrasonic vibration energy.



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