Variables influencing older people's participation in exercise - Based on Transtheorethical Model (TM) -

  • 발행 : 2002.12.25


The purpose of this study is to identify differences in processes of change, decision making, and self-efficacy by exercise behavioral stages and determine variables significantly affecting the older people's participation in exercises. The subjects of this study included 299 people aged 65 or over who were residents of G and S districts in Busan Metropolitan City. They were selected through purposive quota sampling at colleges and centers for old people and homes in order that they could be evenly distributed over stages of pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. Data were analyzed using descriptive, ANOVA, Logistic Regression. Variables that discriminate between participants and non-participants in exercise include self-reevaluation, reinforcing management, cons and self-efficacy. Thus if variables that discriminate between participant and non-participation in exercise such as self-reevaluation, reinforcing management, cons and self-efficacy are fully considered in designing nursing interventions for inducing old people to become exercise participants, it would provide guidelines for nursing intervention programs as appropriate for the people's exercise stages. The purpose of this study is to identify differences in processes of change, decision making, and self-efficacy by exercise behavioral stages and determine variables significantly affecting the older people's participation in exercises. The subjects of this study included 299 people aged 65 or over who were residents of G and S districts in Busan Metropolitan City. They were selected through purposive quota sampling at colleges and centers for old people and homes in order that they could be evenly distributed over stages of pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. Data were analyzed using descriptive, ANOVA, Logistic Regression. Variables that discriminate between participants and non-participants in exercise include self-reevaluation, reinforcing management, cons and self-efficacy. Thus if variables that discriminate between participation and non-participation in exercise such as self-reevaluation, reinforcing management, cons and self-efficacy are fully considered in designing nursing interventions for inducing old people to become exercise participants, it would provide guidelines for nursing intervention programs as appropriate for the people's exercise stages.



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