이중 증기통로를 가지는 히트파이프의 열전달특성에 관한 실험적 연구

An Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Characteristics of the Heat Pipe with a Double Vapor Path

  • 전철호 (동아대학교 기계공학과) ;
  • 장영석 (경남정보대학, 기계시스템학부) ;
  • 김오근 (한국 수력 원자력 주식회사) ;
  • 노인창 (동아대학교, 대학원)
  • Jun, C.H. (Dong-a University) ;
  • Jang, Y.S. (Kyung-nam College of Information & Technology) ;
  • Kim, O.G. (Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. LTD.) ;
  • Noh, I.C. (Graduate School Dong-a University)
  • 발행 : 2002.06.29


The Characteristics of heat transport in the heat pipe with a double vapor path and different kinds of the working fluid were investigated experimentally. The Experiment was carried out with acetone/ethanol. ethanol/ethanol. and in the aluminium container of the double vapor path. Performance measurements can be operated at the high level by 24000 w/m2 heat flux in the 1000mm evaporator. They are each estimated at the high temperature and experimentally reviewed the characteric of the heat rejection. The results shew that they are stably operated under each condition and the fluid was complemented each other at the fluid's experiment and brought about the extention of operating temperature. In this study, The reliable basic data obtained by the teste in the heat pipe with a double vapor path can be used for thermal design, manufacture, and production etc.



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