Computation of dynamic stiffness and flexibility for arbitrarily shaped two-dimensional membranes

  • Chen, J.T. (Department of Harbor and River Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University) ;
  • Chung, I.L. (Department of Harbor and River Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University)
  • 발행 : 2002.04.25


In this paper, dynamic stiffness and flexibility for circular membranes are analytically derived using an efficient mixed-part dual boundary element method (BEM). We employ three approaches, the complex-valued BEM, the real-part and imaginary-part BEM, to determine the dynamic stiffness and flexibility. In the analytical formulation, the continuous system for a circular membrane is transformed into a discrete system with a circulant matrix. Based on the properties of the circulant, the analytical solutions for the dynamic stiffness and flexibility are derived. In deriving the stiffness and flexibility, the spurious resonance is cancelled out. Numerical aspects are discussed and emphasized. The problem of numerical instability due to division by zero is avoided by choosing additional constraints from the information of real and imaginary parts in the dual formulation. For the overdetermined system, the least squares method is considered to determine the dynamic stiffness and flexibility. A general purpose program has been developed to test several examples including circular and square cases.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : National Science Council


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