VDT 작업 전·후 시기능 변화

The Investigation of the Changes of Visual Problems in VDT Workers

  • 발행 : 2002.11.01


18세에서 30세 중반 사이의 남자 35명 여자 21명 총 56명을 대상으로 2시간 동안 VDT 작업을 하도록 한 후, 안구 및 전신 증상 등을 조사하고 순목 횟수, 눈물층파괴시간(BUT), 안검열의 높이, 시력, 타각적 굴절력, 조절력 등을 측정하였다. 안구증상에서는 눈의 피로를 느끼는 사람이 34%로 가장 많았고 시기능증상에서는 물체가 흐려 보이는 증상이 83%, 전신증상에서는 어깨가 아픈 사람이 38%로 가장 높게 나타났다. VDT 작업 중의 순목 횟수가 8/min로 휴식 때의 22/min에 비해 많이 감소했다. VDT 작업 직후의 눈물층파괴시간도 약 7초로 작업 전의 약 12초보다 현저히 감소되었다. 안검열의 높이는 작업 전 7.69mm보다 작업 중에는 9.04mm로 증가하였다. 평균 나안시력은 VDT 작업 전에 0.63에서 작업 후에는 0.57로 약 9.5% 감소하는 경향을 보였고, 타각적 굴절이상은 0.28D 정도 근시화 경향이 보였다. VDT 작업 후 조절력은 1.49D 정도 감소하였는데 주로 조절근점 굴절력의 감소가 원인인 것으로 보인다. 폭주근점 굴절력도 0.87D 감소하였다.

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of continuing work on VDT(video display terminal). Therefore, we examined visual fatigue by a questionnaire and measured frequency of blinking, tear film break-up time(BUT), height of palpebral fissure, visual acuity, refraction with retinoscopy and accommodation before and after two hour long VDT work. For the ocular symptoms, the greatest number was tired eyes accounting for 34%. In the visual symptoms, blurred vision was the highest rate of 83% and in case of systemic symptoms, shoulder pain was 38% marked top ranking but other symptoms were also distributed similar rate. The frequency of blinking during VDT work decreased significantly comparing with the one at rest. The average frequency of blinking is 8/min during VDT work and 22/min at rest. The BUT measured immediately after VDT work decreased much more than in the resting state. The average BUT was 7sec immediately after VDT work and 12sec at rest. The height of palpebral fissure during VDT work increased significantly comparing with the value at rest. The average height of palpebral fissure was 7.69mm at rest and 9.04mm during VDT work. The average visual acuity decreased almost 9.5% from 0.63 to 0.57, but refraction with retinoscopy increased about 0.28D to the direction of myopic shift. The amplitude of accommodation decreased approximately 1.49D from 7.98D to 6.49D and this resulted from the prolongation of near point of accommodation. Near point of convergence also was prolongated from 9.45cm to 10.30cm after VDT work.
