전자정부 모범사례 : 과학기술정보의 포괄적 전자 유통

Best Practices in Electronic Government : Comprehensive Electronic Information Dissemination for Science and Technology

  • 노경란 (한국과학기술정보연구원 정보콘텐트개발실)
  • 발행 : 2002.03.31


미국 에너지성 (Department of Energy, 이하 DOE)의 과학기술정보프로그램 (Scientific and Technical Information Program, 이하 STIP)은 DOE가 연구개발을 수행하는데 필요로 하는 과학기술정보를 수집, 조직, 아카이브, 유통, 이용하는 방식을 성공적으로 개선하였다. DOE의 과학기술정보국 (Office of Scientific and Technical Information, 이하 OSTI)은 일련의 혁신적 웹기반 제품을 구상 개발함으로써 DOE의 연구개발활동을 통해 산출된 정보와 자원뿐만 아니라 연구집단이 필요로 하는 과학기술정보를 완전 통합형 전자정부 환경에서 쉽게 접근할 수 있도록 하였다. 이것은 웹사이트 를 통해 무료로 접근할 수 있다.

The Department of Energy's (DOE) Scientific and Technical Information Program (STIP) has successfully reinvented the way in which DOE collects, organizes, archives, disseminates, and uses scientific and technical information in the performance of research and development (R&D). Through a suite of innovative Web-based products conceived and developed by the Department's Office of Scientific and Technical Information(OSTI), information and resources resulting from the Department's R&D activities, as well as worldwide information needed by the research community, are readily available to all users in a fully integrated E-Government environment. This suite of products is accessible publicly at .



  1. AAU Task Force on a National Strategy for Managing Scientific and Technical Information. 1994. Report of the AAU Task Force on a national strategy for managing scientific and technical information. Available:
  2. About ETDE. 2000. Available
  3. Altom, D. 1996. Consolidation strategic project team report : STI management needs assessment. Available:
  4. American Physical Society. 1991. APS reports : Report of the APS Task Force on electronic Information Systems. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 36(4): 1119. Available:
  5. Brabson, D. 2000. Customer transactions FY 2000 and prior. Office of Scientific and Technical Information internal computer log files.
  6. Bush, V. 1945. Science: The endless frontier. Washington, D.C.: U. S. Government Printing Office. Available:
  7. Carroll, B., & Hodge, G. 1998. Toward a national library of science and technology : building on the present-creating the digital future. Available:
  8. Department of Energy. 1999. DOE this month. Available:
  9. Department of Energy. 1997. DOE scientific and technical information program strategic plan. Available:
  10. International Nuclear Information System. 2000. INIS liaison officers' list by country. Available:
  11. Krebs, M. 1997. Strategic planning for the department’s scientific and technical information. Washington, D .C .: Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Available:
  12. Lieber, A. 2000. E-government initiatives meeting. [Internet e-mail]. Point of contact:
  13. National Technical Information Service. 2000. NTIS pricing schedule. Available:
  14. Office of Scientific and Technical Information. 2000a. OSTI computer log files and product statistics. Point of contact:
  15. Office of Scientific and Technical Information. 2000b. Energy-Files home page. Available:
  16. Office of Scientific and Technical Information. 2000c. Office of Scientific and Technical Informa-tion home page. Available:
  17. Office of Scientific and Technical Information. 2000d. About PubSCIENCE. Available:
  18. Office of Scientific and Technical Information. 2000e. Energy, science, and technology information. Available:
  19. Office of Scientific and Technical Information. 2000f. OSTI product portfolio. Point of contact:
  20. Office of Scientific and Technical Information. 2000g. Workshop report on a future information infrastructure for the physical sciences: The facts of the matter:Finding, understanding, and using information about our physical world. Available:
  21. Office of Scientific and Technical Information. 2000h. Technical information management program briefing document - program update and 2001 budget briefing. [Internet document]. Point of contact:
  22. Office of Scientific and Technical Information. 2000i. OSTI in a period of profound and rapid change. Washington, D.C.: Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Available:
  23. President's Information Technology Advisory Committee. 1999. Information technology research: Investing in our future. Available: .
  24. President William Jefferson Clinton. 1996. Executive Order 13011: Federal information technology. Available: .
  25. Press Release. 1993. Chicago conference on the future of federal government information. Chicago, IL: October 29-31, 1993. Available:
  26. Scott, R.L. 2000. A future information infrastructure for the physical sciences: Partner and user considerations. Washington, D.C.: Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Available: .
  27. Sherman, C. 2000. How much information? Available:
  28. U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science. 2000. A comprehensive assessment of public information dissemination. Final report first draft for comment only. Available: .
  29. Warnick, W.L. 1999. Tapping the information age to fuel the science mission. Washington, D.C.: Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Available: .
  30. Warnick, W.L. 1997. Under construction: The information bridge to the new millennium. Washington, D.C.: Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Available: .