본 연구는 소 난자의 초자화 동결 방법을 설정하기 위하여 체외성숙 소 난자에서 난구세포가 부착된 상태 또는 제거한 상태로 microdrop (MD) 방법과 straw (Straw) 방법을 이용하여 초자화 동결하여 생존율을 검사하였다. 동결 융해난자는 a) 단위발생을 유도하였고 b) 체외수정 후 전핵 형성을 관찰하였으며 c)체외수정 후 수정란 발달을 검사하였다. 초자화 동결 난자의 생존율은 MD 방법을 이용하였을 때가 Straw를 이용하였을 때 보다 높았다 (92.50 vs. 74.19%, p<0.05). MD 방법을 이용하였을 때 대부분의 난자가 생존을 하였다. 단위발생을 유도하였을 때 난할율과 배반포 발달율은 MD (45.05%, 10.81%, p<0.05)가 Straw 방법 보다 높았다 (27.17%, 6.52%, p<0.05). 난구세포의 부착 유무에 따라 동결 융해 후 체외수정 하여 자웅 전핵 형성을 각각 검사하였다. 난구세포 제거 난자에서는 MD와 Straw 방법으로 동결 융해하였을 때 차이가 없었다(80.36% vs. 67.31 %, p<0.05). 정상 수정율 (2PN)에서는 세 처리간에 차이가 없었다 (Fresh; 54.55% vs. MD; 42.22% vs. Straw; 37.14%, p>0.05). 그러나 미수정란 (<1PN)은 Fresh 난자가 동결융해 난자보다 유의적으로 낮았다 (Fresh; 32.47% vs. MD; 57.78% and Straw 62.86%, p<0.05). 다정자 침입은 (3PN) 신선란 (12,99%)에서 발생하였으나 동결 융해 난자에서는 발생하지 않았다. 난구세포가 제거된 난자에서, 정상 수정율 (2PN)은 Fresh와 동결 융해 난자간에 유의적인 차이를 보였다 (Fresh; 59.38% vs. MD; 17.31% and Straw; 30.43%, p<0.05). 또한 미수정율 (<1PN)에 있어서도 신선란과 동결 융해난은 유의적인 차이를 보였다 (Fresh; 23.44% vs. MD; 73.08% and Straw 58.70%, p<0.05). 다정자 침입 (3PN, >4PN)은 신선란과 동결 융해란 모두에서 나타났다. 체외수정 후, 난구세포가 부착된 난자의 2세포기 발달율은 신선란에 비하여 MD 또는 Straw 처리구에서 유의적으로 낮았다 (Fresh; 81.76% vs. MD; 22.22% and Straw; 11.36%, p<0.05). 동결융해난자는 배반포 발달율에 있어서도 신선란에 비하여 유의적으로 낮았다 (Fresh; 28.38 vs. MD; 1.71% and Straw 0%, p<0.05). 난구세포가 제거된 난자에서 2세포기 발달율은 신선란과 MD에서 차이가 없었다 (27.59% vs. 19.25%, p<0.05), 그러나 배반포 발달율에 있어서는 신선란이 MD 또는 Straw 처리구보다 유의적으로 높았다 (4.31% vs. 0.62% and 0%, respectively; p<0.05). 이상의 결과에서, 초자화 동결융해한 소 난자는 체외수정 후 배반포로 발달이 가능함을 나타내주고 있다.
Studies on the Viability of In Vitro-Matured Bovine Oocytes Vitrified by Microdrop and Straw Method To establish vitrification method for bovine oocytes, mature bovine oocytes were vitrified by microdrop (MD) or straw (Straw) method and the viability of vitrified oocytes with or without cumulus cells (CC) were examined by several methods; a) parthenogenetic activation; b) pronuclear formation after in vitro fertilization (IVF); and c) embryonic development after IVF. The survival rate of vitrified oocytes by MD was significantly higher than by Straw (92.50 vs. 74.19%, p<0.05). Most of the oocytes survived from vitrification using the MD methods. Cleavage and blastocyst development of parthenogenetically activated oocytes were higher in MD (45.05% and 10.81%, respectively; p<0.05)) than those in Straw method (27.17% and 6.52%, respectively; p<0.05). Male and female pronuclear formation of vitrified-thawed oocytes with or without cumulus cells (CC) after IVF were examined, respectively. The survival rate of vitrified oocytes by MD without CC was no difference between MD and Straw (80.368.14% vs. 67.31%). Normal fertilization (2PN) rates were not different among groups (Fresh; 54.55% vs. MD; 42.22% vs. Straw; 37.14%, p>0.05). While no fertilization (<1PN) rates were significantly different between fresh and vitrified-thawed groups (Fresh; 32.47% vs. MD; 57.78% and Straw 62.86%, p<0.05). The polyspermy (3PN) was appeared in the fresh (12.99%), but no appeared in the vitrified-thawed groups. In the without CC, normal fertilization (2PN) rates were significantly different between fresh and vitrified-thawed oocytes (Fresh; 59.38% vs. MD; 17.31% and Straw; 30.43%, p<0.05). Moreover, no fertilization (<1PN) rates were significantly different between fresh and vitrified-thawed groups (Fresh; 23.44% vs. MD; 73.08% and Straw 58.70%, p<0.05). The polyspermy (3PN, >4PN) was appeared not only fresh but vitrified-thawed groups. After IVF, two-cell developmental rates of vitrified oocytes with CC by MD and Straw were significantly low compared to fresh oocytes (Fresh; 81.76% vs. MD; 22.22% and Straw; 11.36%, p<0.05). Blastocyst developmental rates of vitrified oocytes also were significantly low compared to fresh oocytes (Fresh; 28.38 vs. MD; 1.71% and Straw 0%, p<0.05). In the without CC, two-cell developmental rates were no difference between Fresh and MD (27.59% vs. 19.25%, p<0.05), while blastocyst rates were difference between Fresh and MD or Straw (4.31% vs. 0.62% and 0%, respectively; p<0.05). In conclusion, the results indicate that the vitrified bovine oocytes have the ability to develop to the blastocyst stage after IVF.