대한수학교육학회지:수학교육학연구 (Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics)
- 제12권1호
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- Pages.109-124
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- 2002
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- 2288-7733(pISSN)
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- 2288-8357(eISSN)
웹을 활용한 온라인 토론과 수학적 상호작용 및 문제해결에 관한 연구
A Study on Mathematical Interaction and Problem Solving via Web-Based Discussion
Cho, Min-Shik
(Korea National University of Education) ;
- Kim, Eun-Jin (Sintan Jungang Middle School)
- 발행 : 2002.01.01
This study investigated various effects of WBD(web-based discussion) on mathematical communication, interaction and problem solving in the classroom. We developed a web site including BBS and chat room in order to encourage students' mathematical curiosities and self-studies. The web site had been operated for 6 months. Five classes of 1st grade students were selected from an middle school in Daejon. Moreover, we analyzed several cases for interactional behavior and effect. WBD promote dialogue between a teacher and students. Analysis of feed-back from BBS revealed that student's negative attitudes could be changed to positive ones by step-by-step discussions. Moreover, collaborative learning is enhanced by on-line discussion. But the effects of WBD are affected by the character and ability of a student.