로드코의 로드코 채플과 펠드만의 로드코 채플에서의 숭고성 표현에 관한 연구

A Study on Sublimity expressed by Rothko and Feldman respectively in their works of Rothko Chapel

  • 김영희 (홍익대학교 산미대학원 미술학 석사)
  • 발행 : 2002.10.01


The sublime as one of categories of aesthetics has given a great influence over art. Particularly, painters of Color-field Abstract, which can be considered as the art of the sublime, have tried to sublimate their art to the level of spirituality through expression of sublimity. The purpose of this study is to grasp distinctive peculiarities of sublimity expressed by Rothko, a Color-field painter, in his architectural work, Rothko Chapel, and manifested by Feldman through his musical piece, also titled Rothko Chapel, respectively.In conclusion, it is found that sublimity was expressed in both works through ‘immobile procession’ corresponding to ‘dualism’ of the sublime as Kant defined. More specifically, it is clarified that such immobility was expressed through the attributes of the sublime as suggested by Burke, and they implied dualism.



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