Scheduling Algorithms for Downlink Rate Allocation in Heterogeneous CDMA Networks

  • Varsou, Aikaterini C. (NEC USA, Inc, C& C Research Labs) ;
  • Poor, H. Vincent (Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University)
  • 발행 : 2002.09.01


The downlink rate scheduling problem is considered for CDMA networks with multiple users carrying packets of heterogeneous traffic (voice/audio only, bursty data only or mixed traffic), with each type having its own distinct quality of service requirements. Several rate scheduling algorithms are developed, the common factor of which is that part of the decision on which users to serve is based on a function of the deadline of their head-ofline packets. An approach of Andrews et al., in which the basic Earliest-Deadline-First algorithm is studied for similar systems, is extended to result in better performance by considering a more efficient power usage and by allowing service of more than one user per timeslot if the power resources permit it. Finally, the performance of the proposed schemes is compared through simulations.



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