Transport and Loadings of Nutrients and Dissolved Major and Trace Elements in the Yeongsan River, Korea

  • Cha Hyun-Ju (Radioactive Waste Disposal Research Team, Korea Atomic Energy Research) ;
  • Cho, Yeong-Gil (Department of Marine Resources, Mokpo National University)
  • Published : 2002.06.01


Temporal variation of nutrients and dissolved major and trace elements have been studied in the Yeongsan River, Korea. There were significant temporal fluctuations in the concentrations of these elements depending upon the flow condition. $NH_4$, $PO_4$, Na, Mg, Ca, K, Mn, Cu, Ni, Zn, Co, As and U concentrations were inversely related to the flow; that is, they are the highest at low flow and the lowest at high flow. It indicates that these elements are derived from point sources such as rock weathering and/or human activities and then diluted by increasing flow. Meanwhile, Fe and Si concentrations varied proportionally to the flow indicating that they are derived from diffuse sources including reactions within soil. The concentration-flow relationships showed that hydrology of the river is the most important factor controlling the chemical composition of the Yeongsan riverwater, which was compatible of the results of R-mode factor analysis.



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