실차 상태에서의 제동시 이상떨림 현상에 관한 실험적 연구

An Experimental Study on Brake Judder of Braking on Vehicle

  • 홍일민 (대우자동차 기술연구소 제동설계팀) ;
  • 이원섭 (대우자동차 기술연구소 제동설계) ;
  • 이종수 (연세대학교 기계공학부)
  • 발행 : 2002.05.01


The study presents a new testing and analysis method for brake judder on vehicle. For the identification of the excitation mechanism of a brake judder, it is necessary to measure the dynamic brake disc geometry during braking on vehicle. The non-contact sensor system was used to monitor the brake disc geometry. Brake torque variation (BTV) caused by disc thickness variation (DTV) is the primary excitation for brake judder. The mechanical effects generating BTV are linked not only to initial manufacturing tolerances but also to uneven wear. Therefore, the brake disc geometry should be strictly managed to initial condition. The aim of this study has been to measure the dynamic DTV and runout on vehicle and analyze the influence of test parameters on brake judder and compare the disc component with vehicle matching about the DTV Profile. As a result of this study, The amplitude of brake judder is proportional to vehicle speed and fluid pressure fluctuation on braking. The major sources of brake judder are directly related to disc thickness variation and side runout variation of corner assembly (disc, hub. bearing).



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