Cytotoxic Ergosterols from Paecilomyces sp. J300

  • Kwon, Hak-Cheol (Natural Products Laboratory, College of Pharmacy, SungKyunKwan University) ;
  • Zee, Sang-Deuk (Department of Sericulture & Entomology, National Institute Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA) ;
  • Cho, Sae-Yun (Department of Sericulture & Entomology, National Institute Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA) ;
  • Choi, Sang-Un (Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology) ;
  • Lee, Kang-Ro (Natural Products Laboratory, College of Pharmacy, SungKyunKwan University)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


Seven ergosterol derivatives (1-7) were isolated from silkworm larvae infected with Paecilomyces sp. J300. On the basis of spectroscopic means, their structures have been elucidated as 3$\beta$,5$\alpha$-dihydroxy-ergosta-7,22-diene (1), 5$\alpha$,6$\alpha$-epoxy-(22E,24R)-ergosta-8(14), 22-diene-3$\beta$,7$\alpha$-diol (2), 5$\alpha$,6$\alpha$-epoxy-(22E,24R)-ergosta-8, 22-diene-3$\beta$,7$\alpha$-diol (3), ergosta-4, 6, 8(14), 22-tetraene-3-one (4), ergosterol (5), ergosterol endoperoxide (6), 3$\beta$,5$\alpha$-dihydroxy-6$\beta$-methoxyergosta-7,22-diene (7). Compounds 3~7 showed moderate cytotoxicity against five tumor cells.



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