A Numerical Analysis on the Effect of Parameters for the Flow Rate through the Tunnel with Jet Fan Ventilating System

제트 홴 방식 환기시스템을 사용하는 터널의 환기량에 영향을 주는 인자에 대한 수치해석 검토

  • 김사량 (강릉대학교 정밀기계공학과) ;
  • 김기정 (서강대학교 대학원 기계공학) ;
  • 허남건 (서강대학교 기계공학) ;
  • 김영일 (한국과학기술연구원 열유동제어센터)
  • Published : 2002.07.01


In the present study, ventilation flow rates and pressure rises through a road tunnel are simulated numerically using CFD with the various conditions such as roughness height, swirl angle of jet fan, entrance and exit effect and hub to tip ratio. By using a modified wall function, friction factor can be predicted under 10% of error with respect to the Moody chart for the circular pipe flow and 15%, for the present tunnel. For more precise design, the effects of the swirl angle and hub to tip ratio of jet fan, which is not included in the theoretical equation of pressure rise by jet fan are necessary to be considered.



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