식물 품종 및 종자의 품질평가 기준에 대한 규정현황

Legal Aspects for Quality Evaluation Standard of Plant Variety and Seed

  • 최근진 (국립종자관리소 품종심사과)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


There are some international standards and organization controling the quality characteristics of varieties and seeds such as UPOV, OECD, ISTA, AOSA. The National List system to check variety performance such as quality characteristics of plant varieties and seeds was established by each countries. The UPOV (International Union for the Protection of New varieties of Plant) regulates the requirement of plant variety protection that is distinctness (D), uniformity (U), stability (S) (here in after called DUS), Novelty and Denomination, and some quality characteristics are used to examine the requirement of plant variety protection by each crops. OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation Development) seed scheme regulates the seed certification for seed trade between countries. ISTA (International Seed Testing Association) and AOSA(Association for Official Seed Analyst) regulates the seed analysis standard and methods. Most of the countries in Europe has the National List system, which check the value for cultivation and use(VCU), that is to say, variety performance such as yield, quality and stress to environment. All the seeds should be enlisted in the National List before sell the seed in their country. All the quality characteristics checked variety performance are for instance, amylose and amylopectin content in rice, molting quality, $\beta$-glucan, protein in barley, protein and sugar content in soybean, sugar and amylopectin content in corn etc. Conditions for the protection of new variety of plant are DUS. Quality characteristics may be the important characteristics and used to check DUS in crop by crop. It is very important to develop a new characteristics and establish standard method fur examine the VCU and DUS test for each crop.



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