쌀의 품질평가 현황과 금후 연구방향

Trend and Further Research of Rice Quality Evaluation

  • 손종록 (농촌진흥청 작물시험장) ;
  • 김재현 (농촌진흥청 작물시험장) ;
  • 이정일 (농촌진흥청 작물시험장) ;
  • 윤영환 (농촌진흥청 작물시험장) ;
  • 김제규 (농촌진흥청 작물시험장) ;
  • 황흥구 (농촌진흥청 작물시험장) ;
  • 문헌팔 (농촌진흥청 작물시험장)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


Rice quality is much dependent on the pre-and post harvest management. There are many parameters which influence rice or cooked rice qualitys such as cultivars, climate, soil, harvest time, drying, milling, storage, safety, nutritive value, taste, marketing, eating, cooking conditions, and each nations' food culture. Thus, vice evaluation might not be carried out by only some parameters. Physicochemical evaluation of rice deals with amy-lose content, gelatinizing property, and its relation with taste. The amylose content of good vice in Korea is defined at 17 to 20%. Other parameters considered are as follows; ratio of protein body-1 per total protein amount in relation to taste, and oleic/linoleic acid ratio in relation to storage safety. The rice higher Mg/K ratio is considered as high quality. The optimum value is over 1.5 to 1.6. It was reported that the contents of oligosaccharide, glutamic acid or its derivatives and its proportionalities have high corelation with the taste of rice. Major aromatic compounds in rice have been known as hexanal, acetone, pentanal, butanal, octanal, and heptanal. Recently, it was found that muco-polysaccharides are solubilized during cooking. Cooked rice surface is coated by the muco-polysaccharide. The muco-polysaccharide aye contributing to the consistency and collecting free amino acids and vitamins. Thus, these parameters might be regarded as important items for quality and taste evaluation of rice. Ingredients of rice related with the taste are not confined to the total rice grain. In the internal kernel, starch is main component but nitrogen and mineral compounds are localized at the external kernel. The ingredients related with taste are contained in 91 to 86% part of the outside kernel. For safety that is considered an important evaluation item of rice quality, each residual tolerance limit for agricultural chemicals must be adopted in our country. During drying, rice quality can decline by the reasons of high drying temperature, overdrying, and rapid drying. These result in cracked grain or decolored kernel. Intrinsic enzymes react partially during the rice storage. Because of these enzymes, starch, lipid, or protein can be slowly degraded, resulting in the decline of appearance quality, occurrence of aging aroma, and increased hardness of cooked rice. Milling conditions concerned with quality are paddy quality, milling method, and milling machines. To produce high quality rice, head rice must contain over three fourths of the normal rice kernels, and broken, damaged, colored, and immature kernels must be eliminated. In addition to milling equipment, color sorter and length grader must be installed for the production of such rice. Head rice was examined using the 45 brand rices circulating in Korea, Japan, America, Australia, and China. It was found that the head rice rate of brand rice in our country was approximately 57.4% and 80-86% in foreign countries. In order to develop a rice quality evaluation system, evaluation of technics must be further developed : more detailed measure of qualities, search for taste-related components, creation and grade classification of quality evaluation factors at each management stage of treatment after harvest, evaluation of rice as food material as well as for rice cooking, and method development for simple evaluation and establishment of equation for palatability. On policy concerns, the following must be conducted : development of price discrimination in conformity to rice cultivar and grade under the basis of quality evaluation method, fixation of head rice branding, and introduction of low temperature circulation.



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