고품질 및 기능성 증진을 위한 작물생산기술의 인구 현황과 전망

Present Status and Prospect of Crop Production Technology to Improve the Crop Quality and Functionality

  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


Development of crops with high quality as well as various beneficial functions is necessary to satisfy consumers being interested in their health and to enhance a competitiveness in the international market of agricultural products. What we have achieved so far from our research on crop quality was not sufficient since we often neglected sensory feature of crop products such as eating quality but in many cases, we put more emphases on nutrient contents, physico-chemical properties, and out-appearing features of the products. Therefore developments of sensory elements and technique for evaluation with a priority given to eating quality of each of an individual crop are important and very urgent to be solved in Korea. An endeavor to develop bioactive crops is necessary and resonable but aspects of both productivity and economy with a special emphasis on the original purposes such as production of energy and nutrient for human life must be considered. The development of more concrete ideas for crop functionality is essential before any research goes further.



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