본인과 배우자의 성격특성이 결혼의 질에 미치는 영향: 남편과 부인의 비교 연구

Personality Characteristics of the Self and the Spouse and Marital Quality : Comparison between the Husband and the Wife

  • 오선주 (인하대학교 생활과학대학 소비자아동학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.10.01


This study is to compare the effects of personality characteristics on marital quality of the husband and the wife. Marital quality was measured in two aspects: marital satisfaction and marital conflict. At the first step of the regression analysis, socio-demographic variables were entered, at the second step, variables of personality characteristics, and at the third step, variables of personality characteristics of the spouse were added. Age group of 35 and under is higher in marital satisfaction or lower in marital conflict than that of 36 to 40. People who grew up in Chungchung area are lower in marital satisfaction compared to those who grew up in Seoul and adjacent area, and those who grew up in Chunla area are higher in marital satisfaction. Marital conflict increases when people are less educated. Marital conflict decreases when the husband has high income. Religion is related to marital satisfaction and marital conflict of the husband. Stability is related to both marital satisfaction and marital conflict. Sociability of the wife is related to marital satisfaction and marital conflict of the husband, and responsibility of the wife is related to her own marital conflict. Responsibility of the husband is related to marital conflict of the wife. This result shows that the husband is expected to perform the instrumental role and the wife the expressive role. In, conclusion, these results should be considered when family life education programs for couples are constructed. First, family life cycle needs to be considered when family life education programs are offered. Second, regional differences in family culture should be put into consideration. Third, the idea that conjugal role relationships can be flexible needs to be included in family life education programs. Fourth, programs to improve stability, responsibility and sociability are needed for wives. Fifth, programs to improve stability and responsibility should be offered in work settings for husbands.



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