청소년의 또래 괴롭힘 가해 및 피해와 자아존중감간의 관계 : 친구 지지의 영향

The Relation between Bullying-Victimization and Adolescents' Self-Esteem: The Implication of Peer Support

  • 김희화 (부산대학교 아동·주거학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.09.01


In a sample of 594 seventh to ninth graders, this study examined the relation between bullying-victimization and the self-esteem and the implication of peer support in their relation. The results of study were as followed: 1) significant sex difference was observed in the victimization but not in the bullying. 2) the bullying was positively correlated with the peer-related self and physical competence self, and negatively correlated with personality self among boys. Among girls, bullying was positively correlated with the peer-related self and negatively correlated with personality self. 3) the victimization was negatively correlated with peer-related self, academic self, physical appearance self, and physical competence self among boys. Among girls, the victimization was negatively correlated with peer-related self, home self, and physical appearance self. 4) the peer support mediate the relation of the buoying-victimization and self-esteem. Results are discussed the role of peer support in the relationship between bullying-victimization and self-esteem.



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