Video and Computer Game Use and the Sociality of Young Children

유아의 전자게임 이용과 사회성에 관한 연구

  • 조경자 (호서대학교 신학인간개발학부 아동학전공)
  • Published : 2002.09.01


This study was to investigate whether there are any differences in social competence by the frequency of young children's video and computer game use. Social development was categorized as peer popularity and social competence. The subjects were 215 children(118 boys, 97 girls) aged 4-6 years(M= 63.6 months, SD=6.8) from 3 kindergartens in Chung-Cheong Nam Do. The frequency of children's video and computer game use was reported by their parents. Peer popularity was rated by their classmates and social competence by their teachers with Kohn Social Competence Scale(KSCS). No significant relationship was found between game use and peer popularity. The children who played video and computer games once or twice a week got the highest score on the‘social interest and participation’But social cooperation dimension was not related with the frequency of video and computer game use but with the sex of children.



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