청소년의 애착, 자아존중감 및 충동통제가 비행에 미치는 영향

The Effects of Attachment, Self-Esteem and Impulse Control on Adolescent Delinquency

  • 발행 : 2002.08.01


The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of adolescent attachment to mothers and peers, self-esteem and impulse control on delinquency. The subjects were 624 eighth and eleventh grade students in Busan. The subjects rated themselves on questionnaires regarding attachment to mothers and peers, self-esteem, impulse control and latent delinquency. The major findings of this study were as follows; 1) Male adolescent delinquency increased with grade. But no grade difference was found in female adolescent delinquency. And male adolescent had more delinquency than female adolescent. 2) Grade had a direct and indirect effect through attachment to peers and impulse control on male adolescent delinquency and was the first positive contribution factor. Impulse control had a direct negative effect on male adolescent delinquency. Attachment to mothers had an indirect negative effect through self-esteem on male adolescent delinquency. Attachment to peers had an indirect negative effect through self-esteem and impulse control on male adolescent delinquency. Self-esteem had an indirect negative effect through impulse control on male adolescent delinquency. 3) Attachment to mothers had a direct and indirect effort through impulse control on female adolescent delinquency and was a first negative contribution factor. Impulse control had a direct negative effect on female adolescent delinquency. Attachment to peers had an indirect negative effect through impulse control on female adolescent delinquency. Grade had an indirect negative effect through impulse control on female adolescent delinquency. Self-esteem had no effect on female adolescent delinquency.



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