한국 성인초기 미혼남성의 원가족 요인이 불안을 매개로 낭만적 관계에 미치는 영향

The Influences of Family of Origin Factors on the Romantic Relationship through Anxiety Among the Unmarried Men of Early Adulthood in Korea

  • 전영주 (신라대학교 사회복지·가족학부 가족학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.11.01


This study examined the characteristics of the steady date and the influences of family of origin factors and anxiety on the romantic relationship among the unmarried men of early adulthood. Ninety men dating for more than 2 months responded the questionnaire regarding differentiation of family of origin, parents' marital intimacy, trait anxiety, couple intimacy, couple individuation, and the demographic questions. Using SPSS Win 10.0, ANOVA and regression were conducted. The results found that: 1)‘methods of introduction’ ‘frequency of dating per week’ and ‘military duty’ were significantly related to the couple intimacy; 2) the men's age was negatively related to the couple intimacy and positively related to the couple individuation; 3) differentiation of family of origin affected men's anxiety which in turn affected the couple intimacy. In couclusion, summary and the implication of this study were discussed.



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