여성인적자원의 활용을 위한 가족친화적 정책의 적용

An Application of Family-Friendly Policy for Use of Female Resource

  • 정영금 (가톨릭대학교 소비자주거학 전공)
  • 발행 : 2002.11.01


Many women experience the conflicting demands of work and family life according to the increase of employed women. Their demand for balance of two spheres makes the companies have family friendly policy. Family friendly policy is win-win policy which gives benefits to the employers and the employees by helping the employees to balance of their lives. But this policy has been recognized as the one for women and which only companies have to carry out. This study aims to suggest and extend the applicable field of the family friendly policy, and press that the whole society have to be family friendly. So, this study examined the necessity of family friendly policy in the aspects of company and society. And it showed how the employers, policy makers, general public society and communities support the family by carrying out and applying the policy in USA.



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