RF-PECVD법에 의한 Ti-Si-N 박막의 증착거동

Deposition Behaviors of Ti-Si-N Thin Films by RF Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition.

  • 발행 : 2002.08.01


Ti-Si-N films were deposited onto WC-Co substrate by a RF-PECVD technique. The deposition behaviors of Ti-Si-N films were investigated by varying the deposition temperature, RF power, and reaction gas ratio (Mx). Ti-Si-N films deposited at 500, 180W, and Mx 60% had a maximum hardness value of 38GPa. The microstructure of films with a maximum hardness was revealed to be a nanocomposite of TiN crystallites penetrated by amorphous silicon nitride phase by HRTEM analyses. The microstructure of maximum hardness with Si content (10 at.%) was revealed to be a nanocomposite of TiN crystallites penetrated by amorphous silicon nitride phase, but to have partly aligned structure of TiN and some inhomogeniety in distribution. and At above 10 at.% Si content, TiN crystallite became finer and more isotropic also thickness of amorphous silicon nitride phase increased at microstructure.



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