RF MEMS 기술동향

  • 발행 : 2002.12.01




  1. Hector J. De Los Santos 'RF MEMS circuit Design for wireless communications' Artech House 2002
  2. Andrew R. Brown, Gabriel M. Rebeiz 'A Ka band Micromachined Low Phase Noise Oscillator' IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol.47 August 1999
  3. Kun Wang, Ark Chew Wong, and Clark T. C. Nguyen 'VHF Free Free Beam High Q Micromechanical Resonators' Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems., Vol.9 September 2000
  4. Krishnaswamy, S. V., et al.. 'Compact FBAR Filter Offer Low-Loss Performance,' Microwave RF, September 1991. pp.127-136
  5. Kun Wang, dark T.C. Nguyen 'High Order Medium Frequency Micromechanical Electronic Filters' Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems., Vol.8 December 1999
  6. K.Y.Park, J.Y.Park, H.K.Choi, J.C.Lee, B.Lee, J.H.Kim, N.Y.Kim, J.Y.Park, G.H.Kim, D.W.Kim, J.U.Bu, K.W.Chung 'A Novel Ka band Bandpass Filter Using LIGA Micromachined Process' Microwave Conference, Asia Pacific, 2000
  7. Serge Perrot, Christian Person 'Narrow band Filters for MillimeterWave Applications' EUMC, 2000
  8. Futoshi Kuroki, Satoru Shinke, Tsukasa Yoneyama, Hiroya Sato 'Band Widening of Ceramic Resonator Loaded NRD Guide Band Pass Filter at 60 GHz' EUMC, 2001
  9. P.Blondy. A.Pothier. E.Fourn. C.Champeaux. P.Tristant. A.Catherinot. G.Tanne, E.Risu, C.Person, F.Huret 'Tunable Interdigital Coplaner Filters Using MEMS Capasitors' EUMC. 2002
  10. Gabriel M. Rebeiz, Guan Leng Tan, Joseph S. Hayden 'RF MEM8 Phase shifters: design and Applications' IEEE Microwave Magazine June 2002
  11. N.S. Barker and G.M. Rebeiz ' Optimization of Distributed MEMS Phase Shifter' IEEE MTT-S Digest
  12. Andrea Borgioli, Yu Liu, Amits. Nagra, and Robert A. York 'Low Loss Distributed MEMS Phase' IEEE Microwave and Guide Wave Letters, Vol. 10, No. 1, January 2000
  13. Joseph S. Hayden and Gabriel M. Rebeiz 'Low Loss Cascadable MEMS Distributed X Band Phase Shifters 'IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, Vol. 10, No. 4, April 2000
  14. Yu Liu, Andrea Borgioli, Amit S. Nagro, and Robert A. York 'K Band 3 Bit Low Loss Distributed MEMS Phase Shifter 'IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, Vol. 10, No. 10, October 2000
  15. G.L. Tan, R.E. Mihailouich 'A Very Low Loss 2 Bit X Band RF MEMS Phase Shifter' 2002 IEEE MTT-S Digest
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  17. Yao, Z.J. ; Chen, S. ; Eshelman, S. ; Denniston, D. ; Goldsmith, C, 'Micromachined low loss microwave switches,' in Microelectromechanical Systems, Journal of, Vol. 8, Issue : 2 June 1999, pp. 129-134 https://doi.org/10.1109/84.767108
  18. C.L. Goldsmith, J. Randall, S. Eshelman, T.H. Lin, D. Denniston. S. Chen, and B. Norvell. 'Characteristic of micromachined switches at microwave frequencies,' IEEE Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., pp. 1141-1144, June 1996
  19. C.L. Goldsmith, Z. Yao, S. Eshelman, and D. Denniston, 'Performance of low loss RF MEMS capacitive switches,' IEEE Microwave Guided Wave Lett., Vo1.8, pp.269-271, Aug. 1998 https://doi.org/10.1109/75.704410
  20. Pacheco, S.P., L.P.B. Katehi, and C. Nguyen, 'Design of Low Actuation Voltage RF MEMS Switch,' 2000 IEEE Int. Microwave Symp., Boston. MA. 2000