Development of Moving Alternating Magnetic Filter Using Permanent Magnet for Removal of Radioactive Corrosion Product from Nuclear Power Plant

  • M. C. Song (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Kim, S. I. (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Lee, K. J. (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
  • Published : 2002.10.01


Radioactive Corrosion Products (CRUD) which are generated by the neutron activation of general corrosion products at the nuclear power plant are the major source of occupational radiation exposure. Most of the CRUD has a characteristic of showing strong ferrimagnetisms. Along with the new development and production of permanent magnet (rare earth magnet) which generates much stronger magnetic field than the conventional magnet, new type of magnetic filter that can separate CRUD efficiently and eventually reduce radiation exposure of personnel at nuclear power plant is suggested. This separator consists of inner and outer magnet assemblies, coolant channel and container surrounding the outer magnet assembly. The rotational motion of the inner and outer permanent magnet assemblies surrounding the coolant channel by driving motor system produces moving alternating magnetic fields in the coolant channel. The CRUD can be separated from the coolant by the moving alternating magnetic field. This study describes the results of preliminary experiment performed with the different flow rates of coolant and rotation velocities of magnet assemblies. This new magnetic filter shows better performance results of filtering the magnetite at coolant (water). How rates, rotating velocities of magnet assemblies and particle sizes turn out to be very important design parameters.



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