A Control Volume Scheme for Three-Dimensional Transport: Buffer and Matrix Effects on a Decay Chain Transport in the Repository

  • Lee, Y.M. (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Y.S. Hwang (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Kim, S.G. (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • C.H. Kang (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


Using a three-dimensional numerical code, B3R developed for nuclide transport of an arbitrary length of decay chain in the buffer between the canister and adjacent rock in a high- level radioactive waste repository by adopting a finite difference method utilizing the control- volume scheme, some illustrative calculations have been done. A linear sorption isotherm, nuclide transport due to diffusion in the buffer and the rock matrix, and advection and dispersion along thin rigid parallel fractures existing in a saturated porous rock matrix as well as diffusion through the fracture wall into the matrix is assumed. In such kind of repository, buffer and rock matrix are known to be important physico-chemical harriers in nuclide retardation. To show effects of buffer and rock matrix on nuclide transport in HLW repository and also to demonstrate usefulness of B3R, several cases of breakthrough curves as well as three- dimensional plots of concentration isopleths associated with these two barriers are introduced for a typical case of decay chain of $^{234}$ Ulongrightarrow$^{230}$ Thlongrightarrow$^{226}$ Ra, which is the most important chain as far as the human environment is concerned.



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