Education of Primary School Mathematics (한국수학교육학회지시리즈C:초등수학교육)
- Volume 6 Issue 2
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- Pages.75-84
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- 2002
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- 1226-6914(pISSN)
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- 2287-9927(eISSN)
The measures for nursing the foundational math skills of the lower grade elementary school children
초등학교 저학년 아동을 위한 기초적 수학 능력의 신장 방안
After entering an elementary school, in fact, a number of children regard mathematics as one of very difficult subjects because of its abstractiveness. This is caused by the fact that their basic thinking power is not yet formed or they can not understand the special quality of mathematics. So this article emphasizes the need to build up the higher logical thought and a basic mathematical concept at the lower grade elementary school stage in which the loaming activity on mathematics begins in earnest, that is, at the stage before having an experience on the calculating activity using numbers. But at present the lower grade elementary school students in our country do not understand the special quality of mathematics composed of a various symbolic system and lay stress upon mathematics learning attached to the calculative activity. In order to make the right mathematical concept of the lower grade elementary school, the basic knowledge and ability as follows is sure to be formed. 1) the foundational logical manipulation activity and knowledge 2) the using ability of the sign and symbolic system At the stage on which mathematics learning activity begins, it is a very important task to make the right concept of the abstractive math and nurse the capability for finding mathematical relations covered under the sign system through the continuos loaming activity on