Identification of the Dietary Intake Patterns of Korean Adults according to Their Exercise Levels

운동실천 수준에 따른 한국인의 식품 및 영양소 섭취양상에 관한 연구

  • 김영옥 (동덕여자대학교 자연과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2002.12.01


The purpose of this study was to identify the differences in dietary consumption patterns according to the exercise level of Korean adults. The study subjects were the 7,370 Koreans aged 20 years and older of the 1998 Korean Health and Nutrition Survey. The dietary assessment was conducted by means of the 24 hour recall method. Data for individual exercise behavior were collected by interviews as part of the National Health Behavior Survey. Following the analysis of variances the Duncan's Multiple Range Test was used to test the differences in food and nutrient intakes among groups with different levels of exercise. Current exercise practices were reported by 22% of the male subjects and 15% of the female subjects. Unlike observations from the American and European studies, a greater amount of meat intake was observed more frequently among high exercises group than among middle and low exercisers in the case of the male subjects. This was reflected in the increasing levels of protein and fat intake in proportion to the exercise levels. However, the food and nutrient intake patterns of female exercisers were quite different from those of the males. The least intake of fatty foods was observed among the high exercisers. Energy intake from fat was the lowest among the high exercisers. These results may imply that the motivation to exercise was quite different between male and female Koreans. This dietary pattern may have a risk of undernution. Summerizing the results, whatever the motivation of the exercise, the Korean exercisers of both sexes had unhealthy dietary pattern. Therefore, nutritional education should be conducted to encourage the eating of a balanced diet along with exercise, among Koreans of both sexes, in order to promote a healthy lifestyle.



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