- 한국육수학회지 v.28 Cyanobacteria의 증식에 따른 대청호 생태계내의 생물군집 변화 김명운;김민호;조장천;김상종
- 한국미생물학회지 v.30 소양호에서 동물플랑크톤의 섭식 작용에 관한 연구 심두섭;안태석
- 한국육수학회지 v.31 하천수중에서 식물플랑크톤의 증식에 대한 희석율과 온도의 영향 전만식;Yasunori Watanabe;김범철
- 한국담수조류도감 정준
- 한국육수학회지 v.31 동복호에서 장해성 조류의 계절별 동태 및 환경요인간의 상관성 조영관;정진;이진종
- 한국미생물학회지 v.31 소양호에서 세균수와 세균체적의 계절적 수심별 변화 안태석;최승익;변명섭;박호완
- 강원대학교 대학원 이학박사 학위논문 담수생태계에서 세균군집구조의 분석 홍선희
- 한국미생물학회지 v.36 팔당호에서 Aggregates에 부착한 세균군집구조의 변화 홍선희;오덕화;전선옥;안태석
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.62 Community analysis of the bacterial assemblages in the winter cover and pelagic layers of a high mountain lake by in situ hybridization Alfreidner, A.;J. Pernthhaler;R. Amann;B. Sattler;F.O. Glockner;A. Wille;R. Psenner
- Prog. Oceanogr. v.20 Characteristics, dynamics, and significance of marine snow Alldredge, A.L.;M.W. Silver
- Microbiol. Rev. v.59 Phylogenetic and in situ detection of individual microbial cells without cultivation Amann, R.;W. Ludwig;K.H. Schleifer
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.66 Community composition of marine bacterioplankton determined by 16S rRNA gene clone libraries and fluorescent in situ hybridization Cottrell, M.T.;D.L. Kirchman
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.65 Bacterioplankton compositions of lakes and oceans: A first comparison based on fluorescence in situ hybridization Glockner, F.O.;B.M. Fuchs;R. Amann
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.58 Dual staining of natural bacterioplankton with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole and fluorescent oligonucleotide porbes targeting kingdom level 16S rRNA sequences Hicks, R.;R.I. Amann;D.A. Stahl
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.65 Seasonal dynamics of bacterioplankton community structure in a eutriphic lake as determined by 5S rRNA anaysis Hofle, M.G.;Heike;Haas;K. Dominik
- J. Bacteriol. v.180 Impact of culture-independent studies on the emerging phylogenetic view of bacterial community Hugenholtz, P.;B.M. Gloebel;N.R. Page
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.64 Seasonal community and population dynamics of pelagic bacteria and archaea in a high mountain lake Jakob, P.:F.O. Glockner;S. Unterholzner;A. Alfreidner;R. Psenner;R. Amann
- Arch. Hydrobiol. v.98 The gram-stain characteristics of the bacterial community as function of the dynamics of organic debris in a mesotrophic irrigation pond Kang, H.;H. Seki
- FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. v.39 The ecology of Cytophaga-Flavobacteria in aquatic ecosystem Kirchman, D.
- Microb. Ecol. v.42 Investigating influential factors on bacterioplankton community composition: Results from a field study of five mesotrophic lakes Lindstrom, E.S.
- Deep-Sea ResearchⅡ v.42 Rapid formation and sedimentation of large aggregates is predictable from coagulation rates(half-lives) of transparent exopolymer particles(TEP) Logan, B.E.;Passow, U.;Alldredge, A.L.;Grossart, H.P.;M. Simon
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.64 Seasonal and spatial variability of bacterial and archaeal assemblages in the coastal waters near Anvers Island, Antarctica Murray, A.E.;C.M. Presston;R. Massana;L.T. Taylor;A. Blakis, K.W.U.;E.F. DeLong
- The Ecology of Cyano-Bacteria (1st ed.) Freshwater blooms Oliver, L.R.;G.G. Ganf;Whitton B.A.(eds.);Potts M.(eds.)
- A Biology of the Algae (2nd ed.) Prokaryotic Algae (Cyanophyta, Prochlorophyta) Philip Sze.;Philip Sze(ed.)
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.65 In situ analysis of phototrophic sulfur bacteria in the chemocline meromictic lake Cadagno(Swizerland) Tonolla, M.;A. Demarta;R. Peduzzi;D. Hahn
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.65 Changes in bacterial and eukaryotic community structure after mass lysis of filamentous cyanobacteria associated with viruses Van Hannen, E.J.;G. Zwart;M.P.V. Agterveld;H.J. Gons;J. Ebert;G.J. Laanbroek
- 日本淡水藻圖鑑 內田老鶴圃 廣瀨弘辛