전장네트워크 기반 이지스급 함정의 공중방어능력에 관한 연구

A Study on the Air Defense Capability of Aegis Class Ships the Netted Battlefield

  • 임희동 (국방대학교 관리대학원) ;
  • 권용수 (국방대학교 관리대학원)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


This paper describes a comprehensive analysis of the air defense capability of Aegis class ships on the netted battlefield. A principal threat to ships at sea is anti-ship cruise missiles. The missiles flies lower, faster, and with less radar cross section than its predecessors. Therefore, the ship of the 21s1 century must have the future operational capability based NCW to engage this threat and then the survivability of ship can be guaranteed. This operational concept is reflected in Aegis ship and CEC of US navy, In the near future, the korean navy will be possessed a few Aegis class ships. In this view, this paper has analyzed the intercept range of the sea-skimming ASCM to measure the area defense capability of the Aegis ship in PCW and NCW, respectively and presented the air defense capability of the ship on the netted battlefield.



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