계층구조의 속성을 가지는 의사결정 문제의 선호순위도출을 위한 수리계획모형

Mathematical Programming Models for Establishing Dominance with Hierarchically Structured Attribute Tree

  • 한창희 (한양대학교 디지털 경영학부)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


This paper deals with the multiple attribute decision making problem when a decision maker incompletely articulates his/her preferences about the attribute weight and alternative value. Furthermore, we consider the attribute tree which is structured hierarchically. Techniques for establishing dominance with linear partial information are proposed in a hierarchically structured attribute tree. The linear additive value function under certainty is used in the model. The incompletely specified information constructs a feasible region of linear constraints and therefore the pairwise dominance relationship between alternatives leads to intractable non-linear programming. Hence, we propose solution techniques to handle this difficulty. Also, to handle the tree structure, we break down the attribute tree into sub-trees. Due to there cursive structure of the solution technique, the optimization results from sub-trees can be utilized in computing the value interval on the topmost attribute. The value intervals computed by the proposed solution techniques can be used to establishing the pairwise dominance relation between alternatives. In this paper, pairwise dominance relation will be represented as strict dominance and weak dominance, which ware already defined in earlier researches.



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