공개 소프트웨어와 정부정책

  • Published : 2002.12.01




  1. The Cathedral and Bazaar Raymond, E.
  2. Exploring the Open Source Software Phenomenon : Issues for Organiation Science Exploring the Open Source Software Phenomenon : Issues for Organization Science von Hippel, E.;von Krogh, G.
  3. Free Software/Open Source: Information Society Opportunities for Europe (Ver. 1.2) Working Group on Libre Software
  4. Understanding Open Source Software Development Feller, J.;Fitzgerald, B.
  5. Free/Libre and Open Source Software: Survey and Study International Institute of Infonomics and Berlecon Research
  6. National Economic Research Associates Government Preferences for promoting Open Souce Software: a Solution in Search of a Problem Evans, K.;Reddy, B.
  7. Handbook of the Economics of Innovation and Technological Change The Practice of Technology Policy Mowery, D;Stoneman, P(ed.)
  8. IDA Programme Study into the Use of Open Source Software in the Public Sector IDA Programme
  9. IDA Programme Pooling Open Source Software (POSS) Feasibility Study IDA Programme
  10. Economic Journal v.99 Competing Technologies, Increasing Returns, and Lock-in by Historical Events Arthur, B.