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- Marine Pollution Heavy metal contamination in the sea Bryan, G.W.
- J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. v.269 The effect of dietary antioxidants on lipofuscin accumulation in the crustacean brain Castro M.;P. Encarnacao;O. Tully
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- Comp. Biochem. Physiol. v.76C Heavy metal detoxification in the mussel Mytilus edulis. Composition of Cd-containing Kidney granules(tertiarylysosomes) George S.G.
- Med. Hypoth. v.41 Radiation and aging -free-radical damage, biological response and possible antioxidant intervention Greenstock C.L.
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- Advances in the biosciences 64 Osygen radicals, transition metals and aging Gutteridge J.M.C.;Totaro E.A.(ed.);P. Gless(ed.);F.A. Pisanti(ed.)
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- Bull. Mar. Sci. v.64 Heavy metal bioaccumulation in Puerto Rican blue carbs(Callinectes sapidus) Sastre, M.P.;P. Reyes;H. Ramos;R. Romero;J. Rivera
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- Mar. Biol. v.121 More accurate chronological age determination of crustaceans from field situations using the physiological age marker, Lipofuscin Sheehy M.R.J.;J.G. Greenwood;D.R. Fielder
- J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. v.209 Predator-prey relationships in mummichogs(Fundulus heteroclitus(L)):Effect of living in a polluted environment Smith G.M.;J.S. Weis
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