오일소모 측정센서를 이용한 오일소모량의 실시간 측정

On-line Measurement of Oil Consumption Using Oil Consumption Meter

  • 김기대 (대구가톨릭대학교 기계자동차공학부) ;
  • 이재곤 (대구가톨릭대학교 기계자동차공학부)
  • 발행 : 2002.11.01


Several methods were developed for on-line measuring oil consumption in gasoline engine using an oil consumption meter. The oil consumption meter indicates the oil quantity by real-time-measuring the oil level in the sump. In order to measure the oil consumption, the oil consumption meter proposed in this paper requires shorter time, less additional procedures, and shows better results than the traditional drain method. Under steady-state engine-operating conditions, the results obtained through the regression or the difference method show an good agreement with those through the drain method. Under transient engine-operating conditions, on the other hand, good results can be obtained through the reference method.



  1. SAE paper 002877 Analysis of Oil Consumption at High Engine Speed by Visualization of the Piston Ring Behaviors Masatoshi B.;Kimitaka S.;Tatsushi N.;Takao S.
  2. 한국자동차공학회지 v.20 no.4 엔진개발에서의 오일소모 현상 고찰 윤정의
  3. 한국자동차공학회논문집 v.5 no.2 피스톤 링갭이 링거동 및 오일소모에 미치는 영향 민병순;김중수;최재권
  4. SAE Paper 993460 Application of a New Method for On-LineOil Consumption Measurement Peter K. Puffel;Wolfgang Thiel;Ulrich Boesl
  5. SAE paper 993461 Real-Time Oil Consumption Measurement on Commercial SI-Engine Kent Froelund
  6. SAE paper 931667 Experience with Oil Consumption Measurements on the Engine Test Bed Koech K.