수학교사의 교수방법에 영향을 미치는 요소에 관한 소고

A Study on the Factors Influencing Mathematics Teachers' Instruction

  • 발행 : 2002.11.01


As a part of attempts to understand better mathematics classroom culture, this paper first reviews plausible factors which influence the mathematics teacher's own development of instructional goals. The proposed factors consist of teacher characteristics and sociocultural factors. The teacher factors include learning and teaching experience, knowledge, beliefs, and personality traits. The sociocultural factors include cultural and educational norms, curriculum development and administration, teacher education, and professional models with community, This paper then presents detailed interview questions to explore significant influences on the teacher's conceptions of mathematics and its teaching. The interview probes 12 topic areas: (a) early influences on becoming a teacher, (b) the decision to become a teacher, (c) the teacher education years, (d) early mathematics interests, (e) early teaching experiences, (f) career path, (g) influence of peers within the school, (h) influence of administrators, (i) professional development, (j) professional self-development, (k) mathematics teaching, and (i) educational policies.
