ESPM을 이용한 전력가격의 결정

The Pricing of Electricity through the ESPM

  • 이석규 (세종대학교 경영학과) ;
  • 변영덕 (한국산업개발연구원 경영개발본부)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


This paper is aimed at surveying the method that supports logical and theoretical back grounds of electricity service pricing, to investigate whether the ESPM can reflect comprehensively the various interests of parties and persons concerned with electricity supply and demand, and analyzing the practical applicability of the model in short-term perspectives. The major findings of this study can be summarized as fellows. First, the ESPM explains what process the equilibrium price is attained through, which is the essential concept and object in evaluating the value of public enterprises or utilities and the price of electricity Second, the ESPM provides the logics and methods that can objectify the discrete price by each electricity user. Third, the ESPM presents theoretical logics and practical methods that can calculate the basic price and the variable price per electricity unit which are key concepts in the two-part tariff. Fourth, the ESPM has powerful practical applicabilities in the reasonable electricity pricing and in the explanation for the balance between parties and persons interested with electricity supply and demand.



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