스프레드시트를 기반으로 한 새로운 경영과학 강의 방식

Spreadsheet-based Educational Method for Management Science

  • 발행 : 2002.11.01


New attempt has been made on Management Science (MS) education since the end of 1990s. The most distinctive feature of the new attempt is using spreadsheet program like Excel as a teaching tool for MS course. The spreadsheet program gives an excellent tool for modeling and solvina MS problems. In order to improve the pedagogical effect through using the spreadsheet program for MS course, new teaching model based on spreadsheet encompassing new course contents, effective instruction method, and examination method is needed. For this purpose, professors teaching MS should share their own teaching experiences and methods. So this paper explains remarkable functions of Excel and how to use them for the MS tools. This paper also stresses the importance of team project and case study to improve the effect of MS education through the use of Excel and presents some tips on MS education.
